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I am student of languages at National Pedagogical University. Due to that, the topic in my blog "7 domains of early childhood development". It is important to note that this is the subject of research in my degree work, so through my experience with students, I can affirm: When children can develop these domains it's a fun process, it is possible acquire strongs links with knowledge, and what better that movements, a foreign language or something in relation with their interest. We go for an Integral education. Are you ready?

Taking into account the population (first grades) with which my project will be developed, the vision of learning will be focused on meaningful learning. I adopted this vision thus, learning is significant when the contents are related to what the student already knows, that is, the ideas relate to some existing aspect specifically relevant to the student's cognitive structure, such as an image, a meaningful symbol, a concept or a proposition. Ausubel (1983, p. 18). Significant learning occurs when a new information "connects" with a preexisting relevant concept in the cognitive structure.


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According to UNICEF (2012), Early-childhood development (ECD) refers to a comprehensive approach to policies and programs for children from birth to eight years of age. The purpose of this approach is to defend child’s rights to develop all their cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential.  Since birth, children start to explore their world through the senses. Thanks to this constant exploration, children swiftly develop the domains of their physical and mental abilities. From the simplest of activities at every age level can promote stimulation and growth in children's cognitive, social, language, and physical (fine and gross motor) skills. (Becky L. Spivey, M.Ed.).   The proficiency of understanding how the context affects children, is the key to know how to help their learning processes in an integrally way. In order to understand children’s development, there are the seven domains of early-childhood development. According to Miller (2014) the seve...